The Million Dollar Homepage
Once upon a time, a guy named Alex Tew was finding difficulties in funding his education. Then, he hit upon an idea - he bought a website and put up 1,000,000 pixels on the homepage for sale! Whosoever buys these pixels (of course, for advertising ...) gets the ad on the homepage forever.
Till date, he has sold 999,000 pixels. He charges $1 per pixel and so, has made a cool $999,000 for his education. Click
here to view the site.
Is anything safe? ...
Recently an e-mail from one of my friends introduced me to a code snippet that can capture the contents of the Windows Clipboard (what we cut-copy-paste). And its a potential threat to people who copy-paste their password/credit card number/other vital info at the time of Login/Registration.
To test, first copy anything and then click
Visit to ISB, Hyderabad

On the 16th and 17th of December, 2005, Prashant and myself
participated in Poseidon, ISB's Annual Fest. And we had a gr8 time
there. :-)
We went there for Kryptos, an Ad-Interpretation Contest, that was
judged by two people (sorry! I'm too bad with names) - one was O&M's VP
(for Andhra Pradesh) and the other was a lady who worked with Saatchi
& Saatchi for 25 years and is credited with building up Saatchi &
Saatchi from scratch in India. Now she heads her own Advertising firm.
This was one thing of ISB that I admired the most - each of their event
was judged by Bigshots - and I mean real bigshots.
The next best thing about ISB - the Food. It was amazing - in terms of
variety as well as quality. They probably have a 5-star catering, which
is expected because of the kind of money the students shell out (Rs.
14 lakhs for a one year course !!!).
We also went to Priya's home (again to beserved by very delicious food,
including desserts). And we also met Yashasvi, right now working with
See the pics to see how much we really enjoyed.
For more pics, click