Finished 42nd at HoD, NITIE

This is about a small feat of mine - atleast I consider it so. I'm regularly playing the online games hosted by NITIE, Mumbai - and they are really engrossing. And as you play, you get to know that actually a lot of thought process has gone into every stage of the game - from Conceptualization to Execution. One of their games, "Horns of Dilemma" is particularly worth mentioning. Its essentially a strategy game in which you have to produce and sell cars in a fictitious country called "Chine". And it let you decide upon a whole lot of parameters ranging from where to set up units, how much to produce, how to cope withe changing govt policies, which specialist to hire, how much loan to avail, what prices to set, the distributors' margins, the promotional activity-spend, how much to spend in R&D and how much to increase the workers'salaries in case of a strike. I think I've covered it all. And now coming to my small feat - in 5 rounds, I jumped from a rank of 457 to 42!! :-) Now the secret how I did it - in round 3, there was a strike and we had the option of increasing wages. I opted for the maximum possible hike as it also allowed me to induce strikes in other players' units ;-) ;-)
There's one more guy form TAPMI - Javed Shah, who finished 24th in the game.
I really hope that the Atharva online games become a rage in the future.